
Things We Didn't See Coming by Steve Amsterdam

It's a lighter post(sort of)-apocalypse.

There are some interesting elements to the book, for sure. The style of having a series of short stories that take us through the narrator's life allow us to see the re-crumbled society, some of the middle, and then the end. There are some really good scenes in here, but if you're looking for a sort of action-packed apocalypse/survival thing, this isn't your best bet.

The book went into a bit of a romance thing that didn't really do a whole lot for me towards the middle. That's me, I guess. It's an interesting idea to consider that people will still be in love and whatnot during the apocalypse, but the somewhat detached voice, which makes sense as that's the character's survival tactic, doesn't mesh all that well with the romantic portions for me. And why would you bother with writing a 3-way scene in the middle of the earth's slow decline? Okay, if fire is raining down and horsemen are getting shit done, I get that. Act of passion before the final end. Why the hell not? But when we're just sort of slowly sinking into oblivion there's no real reason for it. I can speak on that with personal authority.

Ultimately, it's not bad and pretty short at 199 pages, which is a plus in my book. If you are reading, at least get up through the story with the main chaacter's horse running away. If you're not feeling it after that, I say put it down.

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Cover My Ass Time: This is all happening in a magical, fictional universe. Any resemblance to anything ever is strictly the product of a weak imagination, for which I apologize.